Hey everyone, thank you for your continued support and presence in this community. We are beary grateful you are part of this community. This new moon is special and unique and is one that may help our community grow and thrive. THAT is where THIS bear needs YOUR help. We here at Evolve Plus have a goal of tripling our community to entice new creators to want to make this a goal for them to not only post but to also go live for you. With all of the other platforms out there the question we run into from them is "WHY?" "Why should I add another place to post?" They don't know what they don't know, and that is that we are a REAL community where we interact with all of the contributors. Numbers don't lie and we can show them in real time how we respond! If these new contributors see that this community is constantly growing and thriving, we can be a destination they WANT to post in and GO LIVE on. Again, this is where a bear comes to you and asks for your help. If you look on your device under the THREE GRAY lines on the bottom right-hand corner (also known as the burger menu) and tap there the navigation menu will pop up and at the bottom you will see an INVITE button. We are unbearably asking you to send that link to all of your family, friends and even post it to your social media (like in your Facebook groups and as posts there and everywhere else). Invite people that you think would be amazing additions to our community. (Weed out the ones that a panda wouldn't resonate with, you know the ones π) While we are in the energy of the new moon over the next 48 hours - send out that invite far and wide. We will invite the top 10 members who get the most people to join using their invite link to a special virtual VIP group with three of the creators (date of group and winners to be announced no later than December 1, 2023.) Plus, if that's not incentive enough, psychic Jonathan Louis says he will go live on Evolve Plus when we cross the 10k member mark. Let's make that happen by year end! Thank you for all of your help, Your resident Panda, SAGE πΌβ€οΈπ
Posted by SAGE at 2023-09-15 01:40:05 UTC