Joey had two visitors today, in the yard. They made their way to the sliding doors, in the back, and looked at Joey, checking him over, through the glass. Joey voiced his grave displeasure by snorting, snuffling and scratching on the glass. ( The first time I took Joey to a kennel, the next day, I phoned and asked how he was doing, and owner responded, "He detests the other cats!" 🀣) Meanwhile, back in the yard, one cat moved on, and the orange one, whom I believe, came to my back door 3 or 4 months ago, has grown! Same coloured collar and bell, and a tattoo in the ear. Joey snorted some more, but after the other cat just looked him, no anger whatsoever, just calm. Finally, Joey settled down! At one point, the other kitty laid down on the step, for quite a while! I loved that he did that! πŸ’š And that Joey calmed down, too β€” neat, eh?

Posted by Roberta at 2023-10-01 22:54:41 UTC