Tonight was an amazing experience for me. Lots of surprises and not just in the readings. First, I went to a brand new state of the art theater and decided this is a place I’m going to film for The Evolve plus platform. If you’re a premium member of the app we will let you know when you the filming will take place. The readings made me smile, laugh (the butter knife !!!!!) and on a few occasions quietly moved. I am honored by the opportunities to connect with so many of you. Here is where I once again remind you that if you are seeing this. Click on my photo. FOLLOW MY ACCOUNT. just bc you’re seeing this doesn’t mean you’re on my profile. Three premium members are being picked for private readings and will be announced by the end of the weekend. But the highlight … I got a chance to meet NONNA Pia from TikTok. She’s a beautiful soul with a great big heart and spirit. My gratitude to her daughter, friends and grandson for making that happen. Photos to follow JE

Posted by John Edward at 2023-06-02 03:35:49 UTC